Tuesday, September 2, 2008

its about the benjamins, not babies.

dont worry about Bristol Palin being preggers. its really a non issue. what should worry you about Sarah Palin is that she may not be the reformer that she claims to be. as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the town benefited for millions of federal earmarks secured through a lawyer with connections to Ted Stevens and Don Young. she figured out how to use the 'good ole boy' network that she vilified in here VP nominee acceptance speech so well that in her final year as mayor her town of 7,000 received $6.1 million in earmarks(McCain's pet peeve) while Boise, ID, a city of 190,000 received $6.9 million in federal funds. the town officials now head to Washington every year to drum up the funding, a trip that Palin first made during her tenure.

now, im not saying that Sarah Palin is a bad person or even that she shouldnt have sought the funds. im sure that she made Wasilla a nicer place while she was in charge. what i want to point out is that she claims to be a reformer against the wasteful spending of Washington and the 'good ole boy' network, all the while using those things to her advantage. is she who she and the GOP says she is? it worries me more with McCain than any other election i can recall, because McCain is old and Palin has a better chance of being president than Cheney or Gore did as VPs and certainly a better chance than Joe Biden.

the long and the short, look before you leap, or dont.

thanks, WaPo.

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