Thursday, February 21, 2008

the chip on my shoulder

well, in reality its in it. as you can see.

its pretty small, but the little fucker hurts if i do the wrong thing. which is essentially most normal functions. i cannot lift it above my shoulder at all. above like 45 degrees it starts to hurt. apparently it will be like this for another 3 weeks or so. then it should be pretty well set and i will start doing more strengthening shit.

on the plus side, i seem to be out of surgery danger, which is very good.

this is the first, and hopefully last, real bone injury. i dont see toes as real, they heal quick, and really who gives a shit. when you play soccer, its all part of the game.

how it happened:
i went flying, rather ungracefully, off a jump, missing a ski, and landed more or less on my face but with most of my weight on the left shoulder. as a defense my body tensed up, which prevented it from being dislocated, but caused the chip. it seems that in brief bursts your muscles, mine at least, are stronger than the bone. so in holding the shoulder together, i popped a piece of bone loose. and there you have it. the only saving grace is that i find healing and injuries to be very fascinating. thats not to say its not irritating, it just takes some of the sting out of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude. thats super cool. although i don't know the medical implications. did you have to ask for your readiograph?