Tuesday, April 29, 2008


i want to crawl under a rock and wait bush out. i am completely incredulous as most of what he said in a speech this morning. its hard to beleive that any informed person can say such things. they are either ridiculous lies, or he is living in a different world than i live in. and i live a long walk away from the white house. somehow he seems to be worlds away.

lets start with Hamas and Carter. they met last week. Bush wasnt happy.
He declined to criticize former president Jimmy Carter for meeting last week with leaders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, but made clear that he will continue to shun the group, which he said is undermining Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.
as Carter said on NPR's Diane Rheem Show, you cant engage Palestine in negotions without Hamas. they won legitimate elections and represent half of the Palestinian population. Bush and Isreal wont even talk to them because they are "a terrorist organization." not talking to people who disagree with you wont make them change. you cant ignore a problem away.

also, in the Carter interview today he said that all Arab countries would leave Israel alone if they just went back to their 1967 boundaries. not only that, they would assume diplomatic and trade relations. Israel wont back down from what is essentially and invasion of another country's land. i dont understand our unwavering support for Israel.

next, Bush is blaming congress for our economical woes. once again i say it to a republican, you cant take the effect and make it the cause. the economy was churning along just fine with quite a surplus at the end of the Clinton years. an unjust and wholly unnecessary war have squandered that surplus and given us a tremendous debt to the Chinese. to add insult to injury, Bush and a republican congress cut taxes for the richest of the rich, which by the way McCain wants to make permanent.

now that congress is refusing to pass laws at a whim to make life a little easier, Bush decries them as the cause. in reality, Bush and the republicans shat the bed and congress is making him sit in it for a while.

gas is expensive. bummer. get a hybrid. i have trouble finding sympathy on that subject. i pay the same prices at the pump as everyone else. its the price you pay for dependence on gasoline. now it seems foolish that we dont have an alternate, eh. and suspending fuel taxes for the summer is stupid. it wont help much, people will be super pissed when the taxes go back into effect, and as Barack Obama pointed out it will take money form necessary highway and bridge work. perhaps you forgot about that bridge in Minneapolis that fell down? removing the taxes is like putting a bandge on a broken leg. sure you may slow or stop the bleeding, but you still cant walk. take the time and care to do it right so that you can heal, and in a couple months walk. i am so fucking tired of Bush's fucking bandaid solutions!

food prices are going up, too. there i do have sympathy. as i said before, we need to eliminate the bipartisan quotas on biofuels as it is taking food out of the supply.

i have also addressed mortgages. we should try and help legit home buyers from ending up in foreclosure. investors took a risk and got bit in the ass on it. tough luck.

George Bush needs to man up, admit he made mistakes. take a real hard look and try to fix what he has done. its hard to have any respect for someone who cant admit that hes wrong, instead of righting the wrong, he comes up with a hackneyed fix that wont do any good in the long run. i cant wait til he is gone. i hope so hard that whoever wins is string enough to look at the problems and com up with real solutions. no preconceived notions, no partisan politics, no bandaids. do what is best for America and the world. the one candidate i see capable of doing that has a funny name and a good portion of America thinks is a Muslim.

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