Friday, May 16, 2008

hey, sweetie, fuck you.

Susan Ager is over-sensitive if someone calling another journalist sweetie is too much for her to stomach. since when does an over used term of endearment constitute and insult?

after moving to the DC area i was taken aback a bit by the use of terms of endearment by total strangers. terms like hun, sweetie, dear, darling, etc. in this area wait staff use those terms with just about everyone. its a southern thing im told. im not fond of it. to me its overly personal for a person i dont know to call me those things, but its not demeaning. at most its mildly annoying. ive never heard of anyone before the Detroit media freak out about being called sweetie.

we have all seen that Obama can address diplomats, senators, congressmen, etc in an appropriate manner, so who cares if he is a little overly familiar with some local media? dont we have better things to criticize candidates about, like say policy or record? i mean, if you want to cut down Obama, why no do it on something like the fact that hes a junior senator with little to no experience?

i have a solution. Susan Ager is a fucktard for getting so worked for someone else being called sweetie. shes fucktarded.

there, now she has something to complain about.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I guess, in some cases, using terms like sweetie and hon are kind of demeaning- something you'd usually say to someone who is younger than you... In Korea especially, things like that would be totally insulting if you used it in the wrong contexts.

Still though, it is a bit silly.

Oh, and I changed the address of my blog- it's