Thursday, May 15, 2008

ready your pointing fingers...

yesterday i posted about the underlying racism that the Obama campaign has faced. today there is another article in the Post about the misogyny facing the Clinton campaign. i was kind of taken aback, because i hadnt heard any of the various examples Marie Cocco lists on and on and on. for me this has been largely the same as the racism facing Obama, isolated and unpublicized. and thats as it should be in my opinion. i dont think that we need to be publishing and making a big deal out of it. there are always going to be stupid and bigoted people and i dont think we should be focusing the spot light on them, because in all likelihood, thats what they want. they want their message of ignorance and intolerance broadcast to the world.

after reading Marie's article i see that there are some misogynist messages in popular media that would not fly if they were made against a black man. but some of the stuff she takes as misogyny to me is not. like the 'bros before hos' t-shirts. its a joke. it takes a saying that frat boys use and makes it a political slogan that frat boys wear. you cant take a bad joke seriously. and you cant place any stock in shirts sold online or anywhere really, because any jerk with $100 can print up a bunch of stupid shirts that a bunch of other jerks will buy.

she accuses the media at large of 'unrelenting, sex-based hate' and the democratic leadership of ignoring it and being silent about. all this is new to me, and she points out a few isolated incidents and the repeated abuse by Chris Matthews. dont we all know that Matthews is an idiot who will undermine anyone he disgarees with by any means available? Matthews is the only one who has been unrelenting about it. the rest of the media occasionally has made sexist comments, just as the all questioned if Obama would be such a figure were he white.

to me she comes off as whiny. much like Hilary has been. i feel like her taking exception to a few crackpots is just silly when Obama supporters have been assaulted with epithets and had campaign headquarters vandalized. dont get me wrong, its not right to disperse hateful and sexist messages. but everyone gets called names that are unjustified. take a cue from Clinton herself and let it roll off your back. you cant fix stupid, but you can ignore it and marginalize those who promote stupid. who cares that Chris Matthews is an idiot? he can call me whatever he wants because every ignorant word that comes out of his mouth discredits him more. the the idiots dig their own graves. just look what happened to Don Imus. no one even knew who he was until the media made a hoopla out of his stupidity, now he has a larger audience and more fame.

im waiting for the ageism article defending McCain's cognitive ability....

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