Wednesday, March 19, 2008

im with the black guy.

as i start to write this i wonder what form it will take. im overwhelmed by Barack Obama's speech. i wasnt able to watch it yesterday, but i just finished reading the transcript. its overwhelming it its honesty, its hope, and its attitude. i dont think that i can do it much justice by adding it, but i do want to elaborate on some of what i was impressed with.

the speech was sparked, as im sure youre aware, but some inflammatory remarks made by Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Obama could have handled this in a number of ways. he could have turned his back on a man who has helped define him. he could have turned his back on the church that brought him into the Christian fold. he could have attacked those who attacked him for being divisive. he could have attacked them for judging something that they dont understand. but what makes Obama's reactions great is that he rose above it all.

he turned it all around. he denounced the words, but accepted the man. he exercised something that many supposed Christians have forgotten: forgiving. no one is perfect, everyone has flaws. but you dont stop loving your mother or brother for saying something that you dont agree with. you forgive them, then try to open their eyes.

just like any person in America, the United States is not perfect. but rather than stoop and cut down the people and the problem as Rev. Wright did, Obama acknowledged it and vowed to work on it. he used the phrase "more perfect union" a number of times. the point is that we are not perfect now, nor have ever been. and we may never be. but the idea is to always strive to be, and to grow in that vein.

what makes this speech, and Obama, so great is the unyielding hope and tenacity to cling to those thoughts and ideas that will make this country better, and his unwillingness to let issues dictate his path. his path is set. he is walking the path to make America more perfect. the issues that block this path are obstacles to hurdle. not road signs to another future. everything points to hope.

he wont let his campaign or himself be defined by a single, or even a few issues. he is defined by his overriding push towards a better future for America. it is because of this drive, this hope, this unwillingness to be stopped or derailed by attacks and issues, that i think he is best for the job of President of the United States of America. he does not have all the answers, but he has the intellect and the mindset to absorb the issues that trouble our nation, to seek advice, to think through a solution, and lead this country into a better future.

at this point i cannot see myself casting a ballot for any person other than Obama come November. it would be tragic if he loses the nomination of his party. Hilary may be able to win the White House, but in the process many young Americans will feel disenfranchised with the process. and i feel that Hilary is not as well suited to lead America.

the worst thing that could happen is that Obama loses the nomination, and that as a result the Democratic party is unable to rally behind Hilary, and McCain wins a back door victory built on the rubble of a crumbling Democratic party.

Barack Obama is not perfect. but he is more perfect, and he is everyday striving to be yet more perfect. thats what we need in a president. someone flexible and open minded who can act in the best interest of our nation, not based on preconceived notions, fear, popularity, or money.

youll vote for whomever you like. i just hope that your decision is not defined by a single issue, or by party lines, or by who you'd like to have a beer with. i hope youll take into account all the facets of the person and the country and world that they will be leading. choose wisely America. choose wisely.

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