Thursday, March 20, 2008


check out this article before you read this. even if you just get the gist.

whether for guns or against them, i dont know how its ever a good idea to allow people to come into restaurants that serve alcohol. i dont know how it is a good idea to have them in any restaurant, really. i had never really thought about this before. i figured its your choice on whether or not to own a gun, but its kinda scary to think that the guy at the next table could be armed.

i dont like that idea one bit. and as a owner or manager of a restaurant, i would not let armed people eat there. i dont care how much the NRA doesnt like it, there are plenty of people who would like to eat in a place and not have to worry about gunfire.

i have always felt like i fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum on gun control. i think that people should be able to protect themselves in their homes. i think that people should be able to have the hobbies that they want like hunting and target shooting. i have never understood why any private citizen would need any automatic weapons or any crazy powerful or high powered weapons. and think it would be a terrible mistake to allow anyone with a history of violent crimes to own any firearm.

it mystifies me that a state that has rather tight liquor laws could have such lax gun laws. perhaps what shows my position best is that i live in DC where it is currently illegal to own a gun. i dont think an all out ban is the right answer, but certainly going out to eat armed is a wrong answer. this isnt the wild west. this isnt Iraq. i believe in the second amendment. but there is a time and place for everything. dinner is not the time and restaurants are not the place for guns.

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